The role of media in fighting cases of child abuse in society case study: Kakoba division -Mbarara municipality

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Kampala international University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Coupled with the above, the study will be used in the future by different readers for recording purposes or for further investigation by the new emerging researchers of this problem. The study can also be used in seminars and workshops that have been the main avenues for educating stake holders in fighting the problem of child abuse. The methods used in investigating the problem includes library search where the researcher collected different information from other researchers who earlier researched about the topic. Interview method also was used in collecting data where by a researcher interviewed different people according to the planned population sample and these people were of different age groups and the victims themselves. The main findings of the study include the role of the media in fighting the problem of child abuse through different steps of child. The researcher has arranged those steps of abuse accordingly and each step is being described on how the media has played the role in fighting against the problem. Even this includes the role of the state in eliminating the problem and how the societies in conjunction with the media can help to reduce the problem. Another finding is about the measures taken when the offenders are caught in action practicing child abuse or trying to practice child abuse. In conclusion, the problems of child abuse appear to be on the rise however there is need to put knew knowledge and improve on the existing methods of recognizing incidences of abuse. Responses to rep01t about child abuse are often in adequate, leads to the repetition of the problem. It is recommended that parents and caretakers of the children should rep01t the problem of child abuse as soon as it occurs. This will help the prosecution of offenders. Also the state has to put more efforts in giving rights to children especially when it comes to matters concerning their rights; they have to be given the first priority.
A Research Dissertation Submitted for the Partial Fulfillment of the Award in Bachelor of Mass Communication at Kampala International University (2002-2005)
Media, Child abuse, Society, Kakoba division -Mbarara municipality