Influence of mass media on agricultural development in Uganda, a case study of OMULIMI ASINGA, BUKEDDE TV

dc.contributor.authorNtambi, Hasifah
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the College Of Humanities And Social Science in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Bachelor Degree Of Mass Communication of Kampala International Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to assess the role of media on agricultural development in Uganda, a case study of Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde TV. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included To identify the major source of agricultural information to farmers through mass media, Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde, to analyze the effectiveness of mass media in the dissemination of agricultural technologies among the respondents on Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde TV and determining the challenges met from the utilization of mass media as sources of agricultural technologies in Uganda. This research employed descriptive design. It meant that the researcher described what practices exist in current situation according to level of study. This deals with the relationship between variables, testing of objectives and development of generalizations and used the theories that have universal validity. Findings showed that the majority of respondents (90%) claimed that mass media was effective in the dissemination of agricultural information while only 9.3 %affirmed that mass media was not effective. The findings agreed with that of Ani et. al. (1997) which stated that mass media methods in agricultural information dissemination generally, are useful in reaching a wide audience at a very fast rate. The calculated chi square value of 48 (X2statistics) was greater than the tabulated value of 16.27(X2critical) at 0.01 percent level of probability. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) which says the use of mass media is not effective in the dissemination of agricultural technology among the respondents is hereby rejected and the alternative hypothesis (HA)accepted. This showed that mass media is effective in the dissemination of agricultural technologies to farmers in the study area. The researcher concluded that concluding that radio, television, telephone, print media and internet are available mass media in the study area, but radio and television were more available and accessible, hence serves as the major sources of agricultural innovation to the respondents. Thus, the researcher recommended that Agricultural extension services particularly the Uganda Agricultural Development program and Ministry of Agriculture should strengthen the use of radio and television in information dissemination to farmers in the study area, there is a need for more competent presenters who are knowledgeable in agriculture to handle agricultural programsen_US
dc.publisherKampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectMass mediaen_US
dc.subjectAgricultural developmenten_US
dc.subjectOmulimi Asinga, Bukedde Tven_US
dc.titleInfluence of mass media on agricultural development in Uganda, a case study of OMULIMI ASINGA, BUKEDDE TVen_US
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